How To Grow Mint with Indoor Grow Kits

How To Grow Mint with Indoor Grow Kits

How to Grow Mint with Indoor Grow KitsHow to Grow Mint with Indoor Grow Kits - The Perfect ContainerHow to Grow Mint with Indoor Grow Kits - the Right LightHow to Grow Mint with Indoor Grow Kits - Plenty of WaterHow to Grow Mint with Indoor Grow KitsHow to Grow Mint with Indoor Grow Kits - Learn More at

Whether you add a dash of mint to your tea, cocktail or favorite dish, growing mint indoors is a fun way to access fresh herbs on a daily basis. We’ve compiled a few tips to help you start growing mint inside.

Choose The Right Container For Your Mint

Choose a container with sufficient drainage so your mint seeds will be able to flourish. The deeper the pot the better, but anything from a planter box to a mason jar will do. As long as water is able to drain properly. Adding a layer of stones at the bottom on your container will give your plant a drainage layer.

How Much Light Does Your Mint Need? 

When choosing a new home for your indoor mint grow kit, be sure to choose a place that gets great morning sunshine. A windowsill or a sunroom is a great option. Mint will drink in the sun rays to help it grow and thrive.

Give Your Mint Adequate H20 

Always keep soil damp for your mint plant. If the top of the soil begins to dry out and crack, it is time for another watering. If you tend to forget to water your plants, opt for a self-watering indoor grow kit to get started.
Derek Woodruff, AIFD, PFCI, CF, Owner of Floral Underground 


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