Repotting succulents requires a bit more work then simply putting them into another pot of soil. There are multiple factors that will impact your newly planted succulents and it's easy to make a mistake. Read up on the top five mistakes to avoid while repotting succulents to ensure your plant babies are repotted the right way!
If you are looking for help with repotting succulents into a terrarium rather than another pot, we have a great guide for you here: garden-blog/repotting- succulents-into- terrariums
#1 The Wrong Size Container
Don’t be tempted to save yourself the trouble of repotting succulents in the future by planting your succulents into larger containers. In order for your succulents to grow, they need to be planted so that the plants are above the rim of the container. Take into consideration the number of different succulents that you may be planting together and allow for enough space for each of them to grow without too much empty space left around the plants.
A container like the Modern Cylinder is a great option for planting multiple succulents, while a simple hanging terrarium like the Geometric Terrarium is perfect for showing off a single one. If you are looking for a container with a different look and don’t want to have your plants growing above the rim, the Glass Bubble Ball is the perfect container for you.
#2 The Incorrect Soil
Soil is one of the most important factors to consider when repotting succulents. You need a gritty soil for succulents to grow well. Don’t be tempted to use the soil from your previous pot, as using fresh soil gives your plants the best starting point. You can read more about choosing the right soil in our guide to repotting succulents into a terrarium.
#3 Overwatering
Your container needs to either have drainage holes or a layer of stones to allow for proper drainage. As common as it is to underwater succulents, overwatering is a huge mistake. Once you have repotted your succulents, start your water routine as usual. Avoid the temptation to give them extra water because they have been repotted.
#4 Bad Timing
Waiting for the right time to attempt repotting succulents into their new container is important. If your plants are recovering from a bad season, wait for them to be a bit healthier before repotting them. Repotting succulents at their healthiest gives them the best chance of survival. If your plant is being suffocated in its small container and you are worried about it dying, try repotting it as soon as you can.
#5 Unrealistic Expectations
Be sure to take your climate, watering schedule and lifestyle into consideration when choosing to create a new container garden. Don’t bite off more than you can chew because your succulents may suffer for it. Start small and build up as your succulents start to thrive. Don’t be scared to experiment with different succulents and containers if they have outgrown their old containers.
If your succulents have outgrown their home, repot them into one of our terrarium containers here: